Friday, May 6, 2011

The Company Men Making Bubbles in the Water

One particular movie from this post is a favorite of mine that I had not purchased yet while another is a new film that proves exactly why 2011 could be great for movie magic! Lets start with the new favorite and finish it out with the new love!
If you haven't seen this film, then I will let you in on a little secret - IT'S A LOVE STORY. Definitely not a chick flick but a love story nonetheless. It's bubble boy's first journey outside his room and it's to stop the love of his life from marrying the biggest jerk ever! And what's so humorous is the people he meets along the way. Zach Galifianakis just to name one! Go watch this movie!

Projectionist Grade: A-

Now this newer film, I watched in Sherman with my boyfriend's lovely mother. It was definitely a spur of the moment get together/date but absolutely wonderful! And of course this beautiful movie was involved:
For the past few months I was honestly worried about 2011 and what sort of movie fiascoes it might bring upon a movie lovers world, but because of this film, I no longer worry. What a surprise star quality that Robert Pattinson has! Playing two key parts in HUGE films such as Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga and Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter series (he was Cedric first FYI!) can really take a toll on someones acting career and he definitely has me wanting to see him in more films to come. And of course Reese Witherspoon was beautiful and Christoph Waltz, what a jerk! Haha but this film was really well put together. Definitely on my list to purchase.

Projectionist Grade: A

There were an overload of movies coming in at my theater so I got to preview one in particular that I have been wanting to see!
This Affleck film was pretty well done but lost me a bit at times during the film. I would think of it to be a really great idea for a film but it's not for everyone. If you're not super into filmmaking then I wouldn't necessarily suggest this film, especially since most average people who watch movies need something to keep their attention, when for me, I'd watch any film. lol

Projectionist Grade: B

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