Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ahh IT ALL ENDS. And what a bold way to portray the ending of this grand series of novels written by the infamous J.K. Rowling. Of course when considering the exact story line of the book, it wasn't always right on track, however the biggest points of the final chapters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows were achieved through this Yates film. I would have liked to have seen certain parts that were portrayed in the book to be of course, exactly right, but then again this was also a book written for reading and not for the screen so adapting that can be a very hard task to accomplish without having billions of Harry Potter fans running at you with pitchforks, so I applaud Yates for his difficult achievement. Being a huge fan of the books first and growing to love the films second, I am overall content with the way the films played out. Filming the last book within two parts was a marvelous idea considering the director changes as well as story line/characters throughout the films that had been omitted or cut out altogether. If you haven't seen this film yet, get ready for a good 45 minutes of off and on tears. The books sadness is enhanced astoundingly when watching it on screen. Being so close to the characters throughout my childhood years, of course I would get emotional at some point throughout this film with all the casualties happening. Also, if you haven't seen any of the earlier films or at least part 1 please do so before watching part 2. I would assume confusion to anyone who didn't know the story as well as I did before watching the last installment. Such a sad thing for it to be over and for me to finally have to grow up, but please, go buy a ticket for this film and help it reach the ultimate goal of largest domestic grossing film of all time! It's well on its way as we speak.

Projectionist Grade: A

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