Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Today was another magnificent snow day and I truly cannot get enough of this beautiful God-given weather. To celebrate, I walked to Bahama Buck's to meet with my good friend Tanner. We enjoyed conversations of film as well as life in general, such as photography classes and recent photo shoots. He's a photographer too ;) if coffee wasn't filling enough, we decided to drive across the street to Subway to grab a sandwich and a beverage. Enjoying more convo's, we decided to go over to a nearby Cinemark theater to watch one of the most intense movies that I have seen a long time called 127 Hours.
This film was incredibly suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat practically the entire movie. James Franco was absolutely brilliant! There is no denying why his Academy Award nomination was well deserved. During the movie, there are constant flashbacks of his childhood as well as what was truly important to him in his life and I couldn't help but think of the same thing. What and who would I think about right before I knew my life would end? Mostly friends and family came to mind, but I could never grasp the exact memories that would come across my brain. This is the main reason why I instantly realized how great this film truly is. Grasping a hold of my thought process like that is a win in my book! I especially enjoyed the first scene. The cinematography is absolutely stunning!

Projectionist Grade: A-

Tonight at my theater I am previewing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1. I hope whoever may be reading this is looking forward to my thoughts on that film!

Much love!

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