Saturday, February 12, 2011

Horcruxes, Exorcisms, Vagina Dentata, Severed Limbs, and Ree's Strength

So Wednesday evening of this week was a rather important and exciting evening for me. That day we had received Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 in digital as well as a print at my theater. If anyone knows me well, I am the biggest Harry Potter fan! Two of my managers had decided to preview the Harry Potter print that evening at midnight, so they of course invited me to join them!
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been dissected into two parts for filming. I am ecstatic that they had decided to do this for all the Harry Potter fans who wanted every important part of the last installment to be made known and followed by the famous novels. Each scene keeps you on edge as they search for the horcruxes that carry pieces of Voldemort's soul. Part one also gives you a glimpse of Voldemort's plan as he searches to find the Deathly Hallows. The cinematography and architectural skills of the set have never ceased to amaze me in any of the Harry Potter films. Having the Harry Potter novels enter into the film world would be an incredible task for anyone who was trying to convey the world accurately. I rather enjoyed the scenes when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are being chased by either some snatchers or from ministry workers. The mixture of spells and slow motion is rather stunning. Either way, I strongly recommend you read the novels and you should especially enjoy all of the movies before watching this film. It will help you keep in check with everything that is happening.

Projectionist Grade: A

The following day was Thursday, and there is always cheap $3.50 tickets for students at a nearby theater. So I was texting my friend Elizabeth and we decided on seeing a movie together that evening. My friend Daniel also joined me on the car ride there. The movie decision was rather spontaneous but I am glad I chose to watch The Rite starring Anthony Hopkins.
This film had a little bit too much back story for my liking. Although back story is a very important key in the beginning of a film, I would have much rather them get on with the exorcisms! And when I say back story, I mean that Anthony Hopkins didn't show up till 45 minutes into the movie. Anyway, the ending is always the more important part and I really enjoyed it.

Projectionist Grade: B

Following the movie, me and Daniel went to his place to watch another film and still wanting the taste for more horrifying scenes we decided on something extremely ridiculous - Teeth.
This movie was all sorts of ridiculous. Every man in her life pretty much wanted to have sex with her but of course she didn't want that! Sure enough, severed penis' right and left! Definitely too many for my liking lol. If anything, this movie was super entertaining! I was screaming laughing almost after every scene.

Projectionist Grade: C+

Since Daniel and I were way too comfortable to get off of his couch, we decided to turn on one of his favorite movies of all time - Black Hawk Down.

Even though I was probably much too tired to give a proper critique on this film, I will do so anyway. 95 percent of the movie was all battle scenes. I felt like I was inside a Call of Duty gamer's dream lol. So much chaos, as well as blood and severed limbs. It's an incredibly heavy duty film with high drama and that's honestly the only thing I do remember. Maybe I'll watch it through again since I've got it on my netflix queue.

Projectionist Grade: B

After a night full of film and lack of sleep, I took Daniel to the theater for his morning stock shift. Once I dropped him off, I headed back home to possibly catch up on some sleep. The more I thought about sleep, the more I thought of how bad of an idea that would be considering naps usually make me sick to my stomach and I knew I needed more then a nap. So instead I decided to pop in my netflix movie that was sitting on the piano - Winter's Bone.
Before putting this in my netflix queue, I knew absolutely nothing about it but that only it was getting a large amount of the Academy Award nominations, including Best Actress in a Leading Role and Best Picture. This of course makes me incredibly interested in it. I was honestly glad I didn't much look into the storyline of the film because of course I was going into watching the film with a clear and open mind. All in all, I would say this film is heavily ridden with drama and I really loved the screenplay of the film with Ree going back and forth to different nearby houses in town searching for her father. It successfully showed the struggles that Ree has been going through her entire life. Knowing about struggles firsthand in my personal life, it really helped me connect with Ree as a character. I will admit some parts were slow, but I mostly enjoyed it.

Projectionist Grade: B+

Don't judge me but I watched Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 again yesterday. Such a great film for Harry Potter lovers ;) my grade is the first one in this post.

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